Author: Kelly Stephan | Stephan Law Firm
Bird-Nesting is when, during a divorce or parentage battle, the parents move in and out of the home and the children stay put. This could mean that the parties each have their own residence or are sharing the second. This method comes with both benefits and drawbacks.
- Keeping the children in a home where they feel comfortable and safe can be very beneficial and place less stress on them.
- By sharing the home, no one is “walking away” or giving up their right to the home in the end.
- It is expensive to maintain two or three separate homes.
- Sharing the house while wanting to maximize parenting time can lead to arguments of who is cleaning, grocery shopping and doing other chores.
There are many ways to navigate your living situation during proceedings. Learn what you can, so you can make an educated decision about what is best for you and your family.